Note: API keys are for advanced users. Do not generate if you are unsure of what the use of an API key is.
1. First of all, you need to login to your account by clicking here and entering your login information.
2. Navigate to your user center by moving your mouse over the user icon in the top right, then press ‘User Center’, alternatively you can click here.
3. Find the ‘API’ text, and press the ‘Settings’ button below it.
4. Click the text box next to the ‘Create API’ button and give your API a name. Then click on the ‘Create API’ button. You will then be prompted for your email verification code for security reasons.
5. Take note of your secret key which should have appeared on your screen. Please remember to store your secret key somewhere safe and secure as you will not be able to view it again for security reasons.
6. Once copied, click outside of the secret key box and you will find your API information and be able to access and change the settings.
For more information about the API, please refer to the API documentation which can be found here.
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